Writing competition to celebrate Scotland's nature

​Inspiration can be drawn from any aspect of nature. (Google Maps)​Inspiration can be drawn from any aspect of nature. (Google Maps)
​Inspiration can be drawn from any aspect of nature. (Google Maps)
The Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) has launched a national competition encouraging new works of nature writing focusing on Scotland’s wildlife and wild places as part of its 60th anniversary celebrations.

With a rich history of storytelling, Scotland’s natural world has provided inspiration for countless writers, from Robert Burns and Nan Shepherd to Mara Menzies, Mairi Hedderwick and Kathleen Jamie. SWT has launched the Words of the Wild competition to encourage more people to connect with nature through storytelling.

Pete Haskell, head of communications and engagement at the Trust, said: “The variety of wildlife and landscapes in Scotland provide no end of creative inspiration. Through this competition, we hope that people will reflect on some of their experiences of nature and, by telling these stories, inspire others to venture out in search of their own wild encounters.”

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The competition, which has an adult and a junior category, is open for submissions of up to ,000 words in English, Scots or Gaelic until August 31. Writing can be in the form of poetry, short stories, journalistic articles, essays, letters or song lyrics. Winners in each category will win prizes worth over £1200.

The winners will be announced in November at an SWT event at the Scottish Parliament. Prizes include a pair of Osprey ED binoculars and vouchers for wildlife equipment. Full details, including the submission form, can be found at scottishwildlifetrust.org.uk/wordsofthewild/

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