Staff complete gruelling challenges to boost college fund

Pictured are the Three Campus challengers (l-r) Barry Carmicheal, Mel Stuart, Lauren Simpson and Ria McLeod.Pictured are the Three Campus challengers (l-r) Barry Carmicheal, Mel Stuart, Lauren Simpson and Ria McLeod.
Pictured are the Three Campus challengers (l-r) Barry Carmicheal, Mel Stuart, Lauren Simpson and Ria McLeod. | Submitted
Staff from Dundee & Angus College have raised more than £1300 with two major physical challenges to help provide support through the stresses of the continuing cost of living crisis.

The project, known as ‘Thrive with D&A’, is a collaborative effort between the college and its Students’ Association, and aims to provide positive support and opportunities for students and staff.

The dedicated team of seven from the Sports & Fitness Department embarked on their challenge with the aim of climbing the highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales within 24 hours. They were helped by two fellow team members as logistical support and drivers.

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The journey started at Ben Nevis on Tuesday, June 4at 5.02pm and the team successfully completed the climb in four hours and 50 minutes. Traffic delays caused a very late start for the Scafell Pike climb in the Lake District which began at 6am the following day, taking just 3 hours and 10 minutes to complete.

Following further delays, the final climb, Snowdon in Wales, began at 2.30pm and concluded at 6.20pm.

Sarah Ramminger, Head of Curriculum & Quality, said: “We were delighted to be able to reach the summit of all three peaks within the 24 hour timeframe but frustrated that the travel cost us so much time. I am extremely proud of everyone who took part in the challenge given the unprecedented weather conditions for this time of year."

Simultaneously, staff from across the college took on the Three Campus Challenge, walking 18 miles from the Kingsway Campus to the Gardyne Campus in Dundee and finishing at the Arbroath Campus. They left the Kingsway at 9 am and arrived at the Arbroath Campus at 3.15pm.

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Lauren Simpson, active campus co-ordinator, said: “It was a privilege as the active campus co-ordinator to lead a team of D&A staff on the Three Campus Challenge.”

She added: "Many staff are busy finishing up work for the end of the academic year, and this was the perfect opportunity to remind them to take time for their own well-being. It was also great to meet staff across the college who we do not always get the chance to know. I am looking forward to more events like this!”

The ‘Step Up for Thrive’ challenges have raised more than £1,300, surpassing the initial target of £1,000, with more donations expected to come in.

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